Initially, there existed eleven interconnected civilizations on Earth, known as the “poles of power.” Each civilization pursued its own mission and possessed a unique global artifact, all of which were connected to a central artifact that united them, the Heart of the Earth. However, in time immemorial, some of these poles became too focused on gaining an advantage over the others. Their dangerous experiments led to a global catastrophe.
Incomprehensible forces of destruction invaded our world from outside. Three civilizations were completely destroyed, while others were separated and partially occupied. In response, the supreme leaders of the surviving civilizations created “contiguous worlds” where they could hide, ensuring the survival of human civilization. They then dedicated themselves to eliminating the aggression of the hostile entities. To this end, they empowered certain individuals with superhuman abilities, known as the Superheroes.
Seven civilizations managed to clear the Earth of hostile forces and block the spatial gaps through which the invasion was carried out. Gradually, human civilization recovered, but signs indicate that the invasion may happen again. This time, only the combined power of all the Superhero Teams can stop it.

Role Zhonghua’s Chief Guardian

Sun Sheng, born in time immemorial, lived in a small village on the border of the Great Desert in the northwest. When he was very young and tending sheep, the barbarians from the northern deserts, led by the evil spirit of the Great Gobi Desert, attacked. Such raids had happened before, and with each village destroyed, the desert grew larger. The Gobi was once a flourishing land, but after the Catastrophe, the spirit of destruction settled in its heart. Whether the spirit came by itself or was summoned by the shamans of the barbarians is unknown.
These barbarians had long raided the country of Zhonghua, envious of its wealth and the wisdom of its rulers. But the warriors of the Middle Kingdom always fought back. The evil spirit strengthened the barbarians, allowing them to avoid clashing with the Zhonghua army by ravaging small border villages. After each devastated village, the desert expanded, and the demon's power increased.
The evil spirit strengthened the barbarians, allowing them to avoid clashing with the Zhonghua army by ravaging small border villages. After each devastated village, the desert expanded, and the demon's power increased.
When Sun Sheng returned to his village, he found it destroyed and his fellow villagers killed. With no hope of success, Sun Sheng attacked the Desert Spirit and managed to kill the creature. The barbarians, servants of the evil spirit, captured him, beat him nearly to death, and threw him into the river. The river carried Sun Sheng to a waterfall, where he discovered a cave. In this cave, Sun Sheng met Sun Wukong. Seeing the young man's courage, Sun Wukong taught him his Tao and bestowed Qi, the power that grants superskills. Thus, Sun Sheng became one of the Guardians of Zhonghua, and eventually its Chief Guardian.

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Character: Despite numerous trials and losses, Sun Sheng retains a lively, cheerful, and energetic demeanor, reminiscent of his patron, Sun Wukong. He combines wisdom with simplicity and responsibility with the ability to have fun.

Superpowers: Sun Sheng received the gift of Qi from Sun Wukong, energy that grants superpowers. Sun Wukong also taught him forty-two transformations. Sun Sheng can change his appearance and size, become invisible, move with phenomenal speed, lift and use objects of enormous mass, and more.

Skills: Sun Sheng is fluent in martial arts and proficient with various weapons. He has extensive knowledge in multiple fields and possesses the gift of healing.


  • Steel staff. Can change shape, size, and weight, causing incredible destruction. It can transform from a simple steel staff to a high-tech rod that emits lightning and plasma discharges;
  • Phoenix helmet. A winged helmet that enhances thought and grants telepathy and telekinesis;
  • Scale armor. Invulnerable to modern and future weapons. It can change shape from ancient armor to high-tech gear.

Allies: Sun Sheng can summon an army of combat-skilled and well-armed monkeys;

Image Nowadays: Sun Sheng is a tall, red-haired young man, very agile, with lively facial expressions. He wears fashionable Chinese clothes with high-tech devices that transform into armor.


Role: Africa’s Chief Male Guardian

When the peaceful state of Oyo in Africa was attacked by evil creatures called the Abiku, the ruler of this land, Oranyan, had two sons. One of them, Shango, was taken in early childhood to Ophir, the land of the Barim, who were revered as gods by the people. The Barim taught Shango the art of war and gave him a special weapon: a double-sided labrys ax.
Returning to Earth, Shango found his people fighting a great army of the dead led by the Abiku. He entered the battle, hurling heavenly stones down on the armies of the dead, striking them with lightning, and wielding his double-edged ax.
The Abiku and their army were defeated, but the people of Oyo were divided into tribes by the bad advice of the Abiku. Internecine fighting began, and the surviving Abiku eventually returned with the European colonizers. But Shango and his friends did not give up, especially with the help of Shango’s old friend, the Russian superhero Peresvet. Shango is married to Oya, the Guardian of Africa, who commanded the Oyo people until his return.
Together with Oya, Shango fought for the liberation of Africa from colonial oppression, and now, alongside her, he addresses the economic and environmental problems of the African continent.

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Superpowers: Shango can foresee the future and cause meteorite falls, thunderstorms, lightning strikes, and rain. He also has the ability to breathe fire..

Skills: Shango is a warrior-strategist who masterfully wields a double-sided ax in battle. He is also a wise judge.


  • Double-sided ax. Can hit evil spirits as if they had flesh and releases lightning bolts;
  • Brass crown. Enhances the gift of foresight and surrounds the wearer with a force field;
  • Thunder bracelets. Allow the creation of an arc discharge of enormous power and strength;
  • Thunder stones. Possess huge capacitors of electricity;


  • Riding Buffalo;
  • Phoenix Bird: Capable of healing any wounds;

Image nowadays: Shango Jakuta is the owner of a company conducting research in the field of electricity and the co-owner (with his wife) of a medical company developing innovative medical drugs through research into the Phoenix's healing and regenerative abilities. Shango and Oya work on energy and medicine to help the people of Africa overcome disease on the continent.


Role: Africa's Chief Female Guardian

Story: When the peaceful state of Oyo in Africa was attacked by evil creatures called the Abiku, the ruler of this land, Oranyan, died in an unequal battle along with the heir to the throne (Shango's brother). Oya then led the people of Oyo. Her name and origin are unknown — she named herself after her country.
Oya proved herself to be a wise tactician and a brave fighter. Her khopesh defeated enemies, and her fan deflected arrows from both herself and her squad's fighters. After Shango's return, she ceded command to him, focusing on treating the wounded and sick, but served as an invaluable advisor to Shango, helping him contain his anger. His lightning was powerless against her fan, and her khopesh soon learned to throw lightning bolts itself. Eventually, Shango and Oya got married.

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Superpowers: Oya can cause rain or drought, throw lightning, and breathe fire. She has the gift of healing, especially for various types of wounds. She can also find useful plants and minerals.

Skills: Oya is a skilled tactician, diplomat, and healer. She fences skillfully and has the invaluable gift of calming anger. She is also an excellent dancer.


  • Lightning khopesh. Can defeat evil spirits as if they had flesh and releases lightning bolts;
  • Fan. Protects the wearer and others from various types of weapons (cold, firearms, throwing) and can cause a storm;
  • Jingling bracelets. Pacify aggression and evoke enthusiastic sympathy for Oya.


  • Riding Buffalo;
  • Phoenix Bird. Capable of healing any wounds;

Image Nowadays: Oya Jakuta is the co-owner (with her husband) of a medical company developing innovative medical products through research into the Phoenix's healing and regenerative abilities. Shango and Oya are working on medical issues to help the people of Africa overcome diseases. She is also interested in addressing the issue of fresh water in hot Africa.


Role: Brazil's Chief Male Guardian

Story: According to local residents, Tupave descended from heaven with a clap of thunder and appeared to people the next day upon his arrival. Tupave himself does not remember this event. He only recalls the occurrences that happened afterward and actively seeks clues about his past, similar to how Zarya does. At the time of his arrival, Brazil was inhabited by refugees from a developed northern country that had been destroyed by the Catastrophe. Tupave led these people to civilization, helping them resist the colonialists and overcome the slavery that emerged on the continent in later eras. He also protected the peoples of South America from various monsters and ensured heavenly climate conditions. He resides in the jungles of the Andes foothills at the source of the Amazon but often appears on the coast.

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Superpowers: Tupave can control the climate, command the winds, and cause hurricanes. He is capable of creating new living beings and possesses the gift of healing.

Skills: Tupave has encyclopedic knowledge, especially in the field of biology. He is a born diplomat, capable of resolving any conflict.


  • Thunder staff. Used as a blowpipe, it is capable of throwing lightning and producing a sonic boom;
  • Shield-mirror. Not only reflects enemy arrows, bullets, and other projectiles but can also strike enemies with a bright light;
  • Crown of feathers. Allows control over living beings and even enables the wearer to "turn" into one of them.

Image Nowadays: Tupave Nanderwusu is a climate scientist and professor with enormous influence in the field of environmental protection and climate change mitigation. His foundation, in addition to its work in this industry, sponsors the study of the mysteries of the past. Through this, Tupave seeks clues to his origin.


Role: Brazil’s Chief Male Guardian

Story: Jaycee's story is a secret between her and Tupave. For everyone else, according to Tupave, she came from the Moon. In fact, the truth is quite different. When Tupave and his team managed to defend their country from the monsters advancing from the North, they also liberated the territories that had already been occupied. In one of the cities that once belonged to the people of the South but was captured by those from the North, Tupave discovered a laboratory for the production of monsters. In this laboratory, in suspended animation, there was a girl of stunning beauty — this was Jaycee.  
Jaycee cannot live in daylight but thrives at night. Tupave helped her overcome anger and aggression, develop her superpowers, and she became his reliable assistant, responsible for those whose time is night. She lives in the secret city of Tupave and rarely appears in public.

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Superpowers: Jaycee not only has excellent orientation at night but is also capable of becoming almost invisible, moving with great speed, and causing rapid floods and torrential rains. She is also adept at communicating with various creatures that dwell in the darkness of the night, and they obey her commands effortlessly.

Skills: Unknown (Jaycee leads a hermit's lifestyle).


  • Jade necklace. Protects Jaycee during the day when she is deprived of her superpowers;
  • Lunar rainbow. A diadem that can give moonlight the power of sunlight.

Allies: Any nocturnal creature of Latin America;

Image Nowadays: Jaycee Nanderwusu is Tupave's wife and a biologist who studies the life of nocturnal creatures. She is the founder and co-owner of the J&T Foundation.